Taiwan Industry Reports
Industry Type:   Title:  

Wind Power
2024-JunDoc #40498Industry Report (condensed version)US$100
The annual growth rate of the industry's production value in 2024 is expected to be smaller than in 2023. However, the overall prosperity and development of the industry will continue to maintain a positive trend.
China's Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry-Brief Report
2024-JunDoc #C_7043Industry Report (condensed version)US$350
With the growing acceptance of specialty Chinese herbal medicines and their products both domestically and internationally, it is expected that China's traditional Chinese medicine manufacturing industry will resume growth in the second half of 2024.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
2024-AprDoc #40060Industry Report (condensed version)US$100
Given the elevated starting point from the preceding period, the industry landscape is poised to exhibit a degree of stagnation throughout the initial half of 2024.
Biotechnology Services
2024-MarDoc #39854Industry Report (condensed version)US$100
In 2024, Taiwan's biotechnology service industry is poised to navigate through a landscape marked by both challenges and opportunities. Fierce competition from established players in South Korea and China, delays in the clinical trial process for new drugs both domestically and abroad, and the high costs associated with obtaining key raw materials for manufacturing, suggest the industry's growth momentum may experience pressure.
Food Biotechnology Industry
2024-MarDoc #39780Industry Report (condensed version)US$100
The industry is poised to rebound and return to a trajectory of stable growth in the first half of 2024.
Regenerative Medicine
2024-FebDoc #39781Industry Report (condensed version)US$100
Despite the current challenges facing the launch of local cell therapy products in Taiwan and the intense competition faced by surgical suture materials from Chinese players in overseas markets, the domestic market for high-end tissue engineering biomedical material application products remains promising. This is largely due to concerted efforts by domestic players to consolidate and expand markets in China, ASEAN, and emerging markets such as the Middle East and Eastern Europe.
Agricultural Biotechnology
2024-JanDoc #39507Industry Report (condensed version)US$100
Taiwan's agricultural biotechnology industry is forecast to exhibit stable and sustained growth throughout the year 2024.
Drug and Medical Supplies Distribution Industry
2023-DecDoc #39502Industry Report (condensed version)US$100
The industry climate is expected to be slightly favorable in 2023.
Raw Material Medicine Manufacturing
2023-DecDoc #39498Industry Report (condensed version)US$100
The raw materials medicine manufacturing industry is expected to experience a gradual improvement in business conditions in the first half of 2024.
2024 Medical Devices and Equipment Manufacturing
2023-NovDoc #39196Annual Report (condensed version)US$150
Taiwan's medical imaging systems with artificial intelligence will play a key role in exploring the domestic market and ASEAN market. As a result, the industry climate will be better in 2024 than in 2023, which implies a somewhat positive business climate.
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