Taiwan Industry Reports
Industry Type:   Title:  

Renting and Leasing of Machinery and Equipment
2024-JunDoc #40466Industry Report (condensed version)US$100
Private investment is expected to increase in Taiwan in the second half of 2024, driven by the rebound in corporate investment willingness and a low base period. Consequently, the industry is projected to experience a marginal upward trend in sales value in the second quarter of 2024.
Retail Sale of Communications Equipment in Specialized Stores
2024-JunDoc #40396Industry Report (condensed version)US$100
In the upcoming six months of 2024 (second to third quarters), the industry prospects will remain positive.
Motorcycle Distribution
2024-JunDoc #40388Industry Report (condensed version)US$100
With the peak of motorcycle purchases now past, the industry's outlook for the second quarter of 2024 is expected to be somewhat conservative.
Renting and Leasing of Transport Equipment
2024-JanDoc #39497Industry Report (condensed version)US$100
Considering the already elevated base period and the anticipated deceleration in the annual growth rate of domestic private consumption projected for 2024, the industry's sales are forecast to experience a modest increase of 8.97 percent year-on-year, reaching NT$290.2 billion in 2024.
2024 Cultural and Creative Industries
2023-NovDoc #39274Annual Report (condensed version)US$150
Taiwan’s implementation of the 1 plus 4-T-content plan will promote local art, publishing, film and television, cultural creativity, cultural diplomacy, science and technology worldwide.
2024 Real Estate
2023-NovDoc #39227Annual Report (condensed version)US$150
The domestic real estate market is poised for a modest upturn in 2024. However, it still falls notably short of the standards set during previous peak periods.
2024 Air Transport
2023-NovDoc #39293Annual Report (condensed version)US$150
Firms in the industry are heavily spending on environmentally-friendly aircraft to comply with international carbon emission regulations and to achieve zero emissions by 2050.
2024 Retail Sale in Non-specialized Stores
2023-NovDoc #39272Annual Report (condensed version)US$150
The market is expected to return to normalcy. However, it will take some time before supply and demand readjust, adversely impacting on retailers' planning and marketing and weighing on the retail sale in non—specialized stores.
2024 Banking
2023-NovDoc #39300Annual Report (condensed version)US$150
Local banks' expansion will continue into artificial intelligent customer service, intelligent review, and online banking digital services in 2024. Consequently, inclusive finance will play a pivotal role in expanding the banking industry.
2024 Tourism Industry
2023-NovDoc #39279Annual Report (condensed version)US$150
The growing awareness of environmental protection has led to the development of new tourism alternatives, which take into account low-carbon mobility and zero-carbon emission accommodations and provides huge business opportunities. A boon in the tourism industry will persist in 2024.
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