Taiwan Industry Reports
Industry Type:   Title:  

Food, Beverage and Tobacco Machinery and Equipment Manufacturing
2024-JulDoc #40633Industry Report (condensed version)US$100
Affected by weakening domestic demand and declining orders from the Chinese market, the sales value of this industry will show a downward trend in the second half of 2024.
Domestic and Sanitary Paper Products Manufacturing
2024-JulDoc #40505Industry Report (condensed version)US$100
In the second half of 2024, the industry is anticipated to experience a modestly favorable market climate.
Iron and Steel Basic Industries
2024-JulDoc #40509Industry Report (condensed version)US$100
The industry will experience a 5.45% year-on-year growth in sales value in 2024, indicating a modest turnaround in industry climate.
Cement Manufacturing
2024-JulDoc #40518Industry Report (condensed version)US$100
Sales value of the cement manufacturing industry will experience a slight decline in the third quarter of 2024, with the annual decrease anticipated to be less pronounced than that observed in the second quarter.
Metal Handtools Manufacturing
2024-JulDoc #40561Industry Report (condensed version)US$100
The industry is expected to experience a 5.25% year-on-year increase in sales, signaling an improvement in the overall industry climate.
Metal Container Manufacturing
2024-JulDoc #40510Industry Report (condensed version)US$100
Sales value of the metal container manufacturing industry in 2024 will increase by 7.25% compared with 2023, heralding a pick-up in business conditions.
Bicyle Manufacturing
2024-JulDoc #40546Industry Report (condensed version)US$100
As global bicycle inventories gradually decrease and the Chinese market continues to support active demand, the shipment momentum of high-end products remains stable. This will help reduce the operating pressure on manufacturers, leading to an estimated significant improvement in the prosperity of Taiwan's bicycle manufacturing industry in the second half of 2024.
Video Player and Peripheral Manufacturing
2024-JulDoc #40516Industry Report (condensed version)US$100
The industry climate is anticipated to improve in the third quarter of 2024 compared to the same period in the previous year.
China Agricultural Machinery Manufacturing - Brief Report
2024-JulDoc #C_7087Industry ReportUS$350
With the implementation of various agricultural policies, China's agricultural machinery market is expected to sustain slight growth in the second half of 2024.
Office Machinery Manufacturing
2024-JunDoc #40437Industry Report (condensed version)US$100
Due to the anticipated reduction in orders from the U.S. and China, it is estimated that the year-over-year growth rate of the industry's production and sales values will continue to show a declining trend in the second half of 2024.
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